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Find Early Childhood Jobs and Training

Wondering where to start your early childhood qualification? Ready to job search and gain work experience? Use our map to find the right opportunities!

Get the Early Childhood Guide
A Colorado early childhood teacher sits in her classroom, smiling and writing on a clipboard. Around her are illustrations of a calendar, a checkmark and children's numbered blocks.

Find local teaching programs, jobs and other trainings with our interactive map!

How to use the map

Using our interactive map is simple! To get started:

An aspiring early childhood teacher gets advice from a seasoned educator. Around them are illustrations of a checkmark, two speech bubbles and a map pin.


  1. Click “Opportunity Type” to select the opportunities you’re interested in. You can select more than one!
  2. Click “Select County” to narrow down your options by location. You can select more than one county too. 
  3. In the box that says “View,” choose between List View and Map View to see your options.
  4. To learn more about individual opportunities: 
    • In List View, click on the opportunity name.
    • In Map View, click on the map pin to see the specific opportunity. Then, click on the opportunity name. 

Explore More Teaching Programs

A future Colorado early childhood teacher researches teaching programs on his computer. Around him are a child's drawing of a flower, an illustration of a diploma and an image of a compass.

Want to compare multiple program options?

Find community college, bachelor’s and master’s degree pathways with our Program Explorer. Filter by degree, tuition, online options and more! 

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  1. Learn about your licensure options.
  2. Explore teacher training programs.
  3. Get support for teaching tests.
  4. Apply for financial aid.
  5. Chat with licensure experts via live chat, small group sessions or 1-on-1 meetings.

It’s all FREE and brought to you by the Colorado Department of Education and our statewide partners.

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