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Browse our resources to find the best Colorado educator preparation program for you, and sign up with an expert who’ll help you navigate your choices.

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The ABCs of EPPs

Illustration of pathway to licensure

Let’s start at the very beginning.

What’s an EPP? 

An educator preparation program (EPP) is where you gain the skills and knowledge to teach in your chosen grade and subject. To meet state licensure requirements in Colorado you will have to complete a state-approved EPP before leading a classroom. And it all starts with choosing the right program for you.

Completing an educator preparation program is the first of just a few steps to getting licensed to teach in Colorado. If that sounds like a lot, don’t worry, we’ll be with you the whole time.

What types of programs are there?

You can find an educator prep program to cater to almost every specific need and situation. Here are the most popular types: 

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Alternative Licensure

Discover more About Programs here.

What criteria should I use to decide which program is right for me?

With 13 partner programs in Colorado, you will find each program has its own unique approach to teacher preparation. Consider how you learn and what you want to gain. You can use the program explorer to compare them. Key criteria you may want to consider include:

  • hands-on experience 
  • preparation for diverse populations 
  • mentoring and coaching
  • commitment to improvement

Explore Programs

Woman in red shirt at a laptop

We partnered with EPPs across Colorado to feature programs for undergraduates and people who already have degrees. Check out our list to start your search. Each program profile overviews what to expect, program hallmarks like hands-on experience and preparation for diverse populations, and insider info from current students.


Application Deadlines

Teacher with students at desks

Some Colorado programs have rolling deadlines while others will accept your applications only within specific dates. Review all program deadlines in one place here.


Man works with woman who is on her laptop

If all this information is overwhelming, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with 1-on-1 coaching. Dedicated teaching professionals who are in the know are ready to answer any of your questions whenever it’s convenient.

Create an Account

Device mockup of services offered

Sign up for your free, all-access pass to TEACH Colorado products and services.

  • Create a career roadmap.
  • Get 1-on-1 expert advice.
  • Follow how-to guides for getting licensed.
  • Access prep program application checklists.
  • Claim fee reimbursements towards application and testing expenses.

We’re always working on something new to help the next generation of great teachers. With an account, you get first dibs!


Enter your email to get the updates that matter.

  • Career insights.
  • Teacher spotlights.
  • Think pieces on the state of education.
  • Deadline reminders.

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