Teach Early Childhood
Get our step-by-step guide—available in six languages. Or sign up to speak directly with an expert. It' all FREE for future early childhood teachers.

Big news for the little ones!
Starting in August 2023, Colorado kids get up to 15 hours of free, high-quality preschool each week. That means that public schools and childcare centers are hiring thousands of Pre-K teachers! At the same time, all early childhood teachers are in high demand (infant, toddler, preschool, and beyond!).
You can begin your career teaching early childhood right now! We'll help you get there.
Let's get you in the classroom
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Download the guide in your language
Which pathway to the classroom is right for you? What training will you need and how can you cover the costs?
We hear these questions a lot. Our new Early Childhood Guide outlines your options and includes info about how to pay for them, from free classes at a Colorado Community College to on-the-job training and scholarships.
We've got guides in English, Arabic, Farsi, Karen, Somali and Spanish!
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Get answers from an expert
We know the path can seem complicated. That’s why we have trained experts to help you figure out the right moves based on your background! Talk to an early childhood specialist over phone, video or email, all for free.
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Find jobs and training
Check out early childhood jobs and qualification programs across Colorado! Our interactive map lets you explore and find the right opportunities near you.
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Get $100
Ready to pursue early childhood teacher qualification? We'll reimburse any cost required when you apply to, enroll in or complete a qualification pathway. That includes expenses like background checks, fingerprinting and program deposits.
Here's how to apply:
- FIRST, sign up for a TEACH Colorado account.
- THEN get started on a qualification pathway: apply for approved training, enroll in a local community college course for early childhood education, or get hired to work with young children to gain experience.
- Click below to fill out your reimbursement form.
If you are pursuing a bachelor's or master's and teaching license, or an alternative license, apply for your fee reimbursement here!
Do you have a degree? You may be able to get qualified to teach early childhood with just two additional classes (which you can take for free)!
Educator Impact
Public Education & Business Coalition, Resident Early Childhood Education Teacher
I want to help break down myths and stigmas about how men aren't primary grade level teachers. I also want to show students at a young age that men can be caring, empathetic and help them on their journey of growing up and being kind human beings.
Before you dismiss early childhood education, try finding videos or figuring out how to come observe an early childhood education classroom. This is such a prime time for social and emotional learning light bulbs, and it is truly wonderful to watch kids progress over the course of a year.
Boulder Journey School Teacher Education Program, Resident Early Childhood Education Teacher
I decided to become an early childhood educator because children give me energy and I love learning alongside them. I find children's curiosity, passion, and hunger for knowledge is contagious. A career in early childhood education is wonderful if you have a curious mind and appreciate constant discovery and self-growth. The children with whom I work always challenge me to follow my interests and to grow as an empathetic, curious, and creative person.
University of Northern Colorado-Center for Urban Education, Early Childhood Education Teacher
I became an early childhood educator to make a difference in young lives. I have had many teachers throughout my education who have impacted my life for the better and I want to do the same. If early childhood education is what you want to do and you see yourself doing, then do it!

Public Education & Business Coalition, Resident Early Childhood Education Teacher
I want to help break down myths and stigmas about how men aren't primary grade level teachers. I also want to show students at a young age that men can be caring, empathetic and help them on their journey of growing up and being kind human beings.
Before you dismiss early childhood education, try finding videos or figuring out how to come observe an early childhood education classroom. This is such a prime time for social and emotional learning light bulbs, and it is truly wonderful to watch kids progress over the course of a year.
Create a Free Account
Sign up for access to everything we offer, right from your dashboard.
- Learn about your licensure options.
- Explore teacher training programs.
- Get support for teaching tests.
- Apply for financial aid.
- Chat with licensure experts via live chat, small group sessions or 1-on-1 meetings.
It’s all FREE and brought to you by the Colorado Department of Education and our statewide partners.
Talk to an Advisor
Talk to an early childhood specialist over phone, video or email, all for free! It's easy:
- Click “Sign Up for Coaching” to create your free TEACH Colorado account. You’ll be redirected to our coaching request form.
- Fill out the form to choose your preferred coach and time slot. Make sure to select one of our early childhood education (a.k.a. ECE) experts!
TEACH Colorado and our friends at T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood®

We get it. 'TEACH Colorado' isn't the most original name! But when it comes to names, we're so lucky to run in the same circles as the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Colorado Scholarship Program.
TEACH Colorado (that's us!) is a free, one-stop-shop for anyone considering a PK-12 teaching career in Colorado, offering 1:1 advising, information on teaching pathways, downloadable guides and financial aid resources.
Meanwhile, our partners at the Colorado's Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA) provide the T.E.A.C.H Early Childhood® Scholarship, which offers early childhood professionals a pathway to pursue higher education. Many of Colorado's early childhood education professionals, including directors, teachers, and family child care professionals, are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Does TEACH Colorado promote the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Scholarship on its platform for aspiring teachers? You’d better believe it! Similar name, distinct offerings, but both working to provide a whole bunch of support for early childhood professionals across the state.
Create a Free Account
Sign up for access to everything we offer, right from your dashboard.
- Learn about your licensure options.
- Explore teacher training programs.
- Get support for teaching tests.
- Apply for financial aid.
- Chat with licensure experts via live chat, small group sessions or 1-on-1 meetings.
It’s all FREE and brought to you by the Colorado Department of Education and our statewide partners.