St. Vrain Valley Schools
The seventh largest school district in the state, St. Vrain Valley is the educational home of more than 33,000 of Colorado’s students.
Meet Chris Chou
Teacher Ambassador

So much has changed in the world since I first entered the classroom in 2000, including technology and best practices regarding student learning and content delivery. St. Vrain Valley Schools provides innovative resources and trainings so teachers can excel in our field. St. Vrain has supported countless opportunities for me to be creative and develop new ways of teaching science to my students, new courses and programs to offer at my school, and a variety of professional development opportunities to grow as an educator and scientist.

- 9-12th Grade Science (AP Biology, Biotechnology, Biology) Teacher
- Co-Founder & Coordinator, Medical & BioScience Academy
- Science Department Chair, Longmont High School
- Longmont High School Teacher of the Year (2020)
- Stapp Toyota Inspires Educator Recipient (2017)
- Colorado Outstanding Biology Teacher Award, National Association of Biology Teachers (2016)
- Spotlight Award, St. Vrain Valley Education Foundation (2014)
- BSCS/NABT AP Biology Leadership Academy Member
- 3D Molecular Designs Model Teacher
- AP Biology Reader, College Board
- Mentor Teacher, St. Vrain Valley Schools
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
I teach because our students are our future.
I teach with the hope that students in my classroom learn how to treat others with kindness and respect, and work well with others. I strive for my students to be curious lifelong learners. The most important lesson I can teach my students is to think critically and make informed decisions. As soon-to-be graduates enter the adult world, it is important that they know how to make informed decisions regarding their educational choices, finances, health, future careers, and civic engagement. I am proud to encourage students throughout their journey in high school, and help prepare them for any postsecondary opportunities they wish to pursue.