The Academy of Charter Schools
A long-standing and thriving charter school, The Academy consistently ranks as a "performance" school.
Meet Tammy Hahs
Teacher Ambassador

Being part of The Charter School Institute means I have a voice. Teachers have a voice. Our school has a voice. Being at a charter school and part of CSI means that we have the autonomy to initiate change and we can do what's best for kids.

- Kindergarten Teacher
- Fox 31 Gold Star Teacher
- Team Lead
- RtI Lead
- Data Coach
- Family Learning Team Leader
- Leader in Me Lighthouse Team
- Mentor Teacher
- Cooperating teacher for eight student teachers
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
Teaching is who I am. It is part of my identity because I know that my students won’t forget me. We get to learn, laugh, and work in the environment I choose to create. Every day I am given the opportunity to inspire my students, coworkers, and school community and it’s an honor I take seriously every day. While teaching presents new challenges every day, my goal is to be a light for other educators, to lift their spirits, encourage them, celebrate them and help them to remember that teaching is truly the best job in the world. I believe that change starts with me and I strive to be a role model for others to follow. My time with the students is the best part of the job. My driving thought is that, if someone looks in the window, if we aren’t smiling or laughing, I’m not doing it right. Every day I thank my lucky stars that I decided to become an educator.