Thompson School District
Thompson School District is the 17th largest school district in Colorado.
Meet Karen Shutt
Teacher Ambassador

I live in the Thompson School District. I did my student teaching at a school just a mile from my house. I taught at that same school for 20 years. I moved to a school farther from my home, but still in my broader community. I love the Thompson School District. It truly feels like my own school district. Everything I do in my job has a positive impact on my community. The Thompson School District has given me so many opportunities to get involved, grow, and make a positive impact for the staff and students in our district.

- Elementary School Instructional Coach
- 2008 Thompson Education Association Elementary Teacher of the Year
- Presenter at the West Coast Literacy Conference in May 2007 and March 2008
- Co-teacher - The Elements of Balanced Literacy
- Thompson Education Association Negotiations Team
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
I started my professional career in banking right out of college. After several years, I wanted to do something that made a difference in my community. I earned my teaching license and never looked back. I have taught Kindergarten, 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade. I made a difference every day in the lives of my students. I helped them grow into productive and responsible citizens. In 2007 I had the opportunity to become an Instructional Coach. Now I mostly work supporting the teachers in my building. I help them become the best they can be for their students and families. But, since I am based in an elementary school, I haven't lost my connection with kids. I still interact daily with students creating bonds and relationships that will last well past their years in elementary school. I have been at a Title I school for the past 7 years. This brings its own set of daily challenges with over 60 percent of our student population qualifying for free and reduced meals. Creating meaningful relationships with students is so very important. It is the relationships with students and teachers that get me out of bed every day.