Weld RE-4 School District
Join a fast-growing district which is celebrated for its outstanding schools and friendly hometown feel.
Meet Melinda Spaur
Teacher Ambassador

Weld Re-4 School District is great. The community is wonderful. While Windsor is a growing community, it still has a small-town feel. People care about each other. There is always an activity going on each night in our district and families come out to support our students and teachers. I feel valued, professionally too. I feel supported through multiple opportunities to develop professionally and become the best teacher possible.

- 9th-12th Grade Agriscience Teacher
- 2017 Agriscience Teacher of the Year
- Windsor FFA Advisor
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
I teach because I love my content and I love seeing students get excited about my content area. As a little girl, I would "play teacher" when I got home from school. By high school, I knew I wanted to be a teacher but didn’t know what subject. I was very active in my Future Farmers of America chapter and I enjoyed my agriculture education class because it was hands on. Then, I saw a commercial on television in which a father asks his son why he’d want to become a teacher instead of a doctor or lawyer. And when the son replied, “without teachers, where would all the doctors and lawyers come from?” I knew that my calling was to help make future FFA members. Now as I teach many years later, I come to school every day with an excitement to teach students about agriculture. I believe it's one of our greatest and most important industries. I also know the leadership experience students gain from FFA is like no other. In a single day, I can teach students in the shop about carpentry, guide students as we work in the greenhouse and lead inquiry-based labs in my food and fiber class. I can't think of any other career where I would have the opportunity to inspire and challenge young minds and watch them develop into young adults. Teaching is truly my passion and I love what I do each day.