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Southeastern BOCES

Southeastern BOCES


Southeastern BOCES is an approved alternative teacher licensure program that serves districts in Southeastern Colorado including Campo, Eads, Granada, Holly, Lamar, McClave, Plainview, Pritchett, Springfield, Vilas, and Walsh. The cost for these districts is $4,000.

We also serve districts including Cheraw, Crowley County, Kim, La Junta, Las Animas, Rocky Ford, Swink and Wiley for a fee of $5,000. 



  • College or University
  • Lamar, CO

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
Southeastern BOCES

Licensure/Alternative Licensure only

Southeastern BOCES

  • From 12 to 12 months

    Program Duration

  • Hybrid

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links


Program Info

The Southeastern BOCES Alternative Licensure Program is a state approved non-traditional licensure program offfered to eligible candidates. This program is designed for the individual who would like to become a licensed teacher in Colorado, but has not completed a traditional teacher licensure program through a college or university. The program is a one year "on the job" teacher preparation training experience. Our goal is to increase access to effective teachers for all students in the Southeastern BOCES region.

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Deadlines

    Program Start

  • Rolling Deadline


Get Deadline Reminders

Application Fee & Annual Tuition

Learn how to get$100 Back
and apply for a$1000 Scholarship

  • $4,000

    In State Tuition

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at Southeastern BOCES have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with Southeastern BOCES to see if you can, too!


Grants, Stipends, Scholarships

Student Loans, Payroll Deduction

Determined on an individual basis with partnering district.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office

Licensure Areas

Agriculture & Renewable Natural Resources (K-12)
Business Education / Business/Marketing (K-12)
Dance (K-12)
Elementary Education Elementary Education (K-6)
English Language Arts (7-12)
Family & Consumer Sciences (7-12)
Health (K-12)
Instructional Technology (K-12)
Mathematics (7-12)
Mathematics Middle School (6-8)
Music (K-12)
Physical Education (K-12)
Science (7-12)
Social Studies (7-12)
Speech (7-12)
Technology Education (Industrial Arts) (K-12)
Visual Arts (K-12)


  • Male

  • Female



Get Started

Own the application process. Start a checklist to put yourself on track to becoming the best teacher you can be.