Campo School District RE-6
Campo School District RE-6 is a rural school located in the tiny little town of Campo, Colo.
Meet Kim Jenkins
Teacher Ambassador

Campo School District RE-6 is located in the southeastern part of Colorado. The school has provided each student with access to personal tablet devices. The school system is comprised of 42 students, 9 highly qualified teachers and 7 staff members. A day care program is provided for the children of employees and community members. The school is led by a five-member board of education, superintendent & principal. The school’s motto reflects its belief that “only my best is good enough.”

- District Principal
- Oklahoma Association of Vocational Home Economics Teachers Helen Jensen Award—1990
- Oklahoma Vocational Association Teacher of the Year (Home Economics)—1995
- Oklahoma Vocational Home Economics Curriculum Showcase Award—3 years
- Who’s Who Among American Teachers—1996, 1998
- Oklahoma Future Homemakers of America Master Adviser—1988
- Oklahoma Future Homemakers of America Advisor Mentor—1993
- National Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Spirit of Advising (Oklahoma)—2000
- Who’s Who Among Students in America’s Colleges & Universities (Southwestern Oklahoma State University)—2003-2004
- Oklahoma Association of Secondary School Principals District 1 Principal of the Year—2009
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
As a classroom teacher, I have worked with more than a thousand students. My ultimate goal during my teaching career has been to serve as a positive role model for the students and to provide life-long learning skills. My motivation comes from a personal goal to help students gain universal skills for inside and outside the classroom. I must lead my students into the future by providing them confidence with an awareness of the careers and technology that are continuously developing and changing in the 21st century. I am rewarded by seeing the sparkle in a child’s eyes or a smile on their face and I am inspired to enter the doors of the school and the classroom day after day. Because you never get a second chance at a first impression, I make sure that I am ready, every day, for the students to enter my class.